Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Paralegal Voice: The Power of Paralegal Education

The latest episode of The Paralegal Voice, “The Power of Paralegal Education”, is now available at Legal Talk Network.

Education is vital to a successful paralegal career. On this edition of The Paralegal Voice, co-host I welcomed Linda J. Wolf, ACP, the current President of the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) and Attorney Elizabeth Mann, Department Head of the Paralegal Program at Greenville Technical College, to focus on the importance of paralegal education. Discussion also focused on entering and growing in the career field, as well as what employers look for when hiring paralegals.

In this episode:

  • Why a paralegal career is still a good choice, even in a tough economy

  • Proficiencies and personal qualities necessary for career succes

  • Trends in employer expectations re: education and certification

  • How to position yourself to enter higher-paying specialty areas

  • Why the paralegal field is an excellent choice for a second (or third) career

  • Where to locate information about paralegal salaries and trends

  • NALA’s Breaking News about its certification program.

The Paralegal Voice also thanks its sponsors: Teris, West Deposition Services, Clio and NALA, The Association for Legal Assistants/Paralegals.

To listen to this episode, follow this link.

To download the episode to your MP3 player, follow this link.

Here are a few links to additional paralegal career resources:

American Association for Paralegal Education (AAFPE)

NALA, The Association for Paralegals and Legal Assistants (NALA)

Greenville Technical College Paralegal Program

US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-2011

Paralegal Today 2009 Salary Survey

New Paralegal Salary Survey, Sally Anne Kane Legal Careers Blog, July 3, 2009

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