Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Paralegals Need These Personality Traits - Part 2

In Part 1 of You Need These Personality Traits,   eleven important personality traits paralegals should possess were identified and explained.

The traits listed in Part 1 included: Adaptable, Anticipative, Confident, Conscientious, Decisive; Disciplined; Discreet; Efficient; Ethical; Flexible; Focused; and Hardworking. If you missed that article, follow this link to access it.

Time now for Part 2 and twelve additional positive traits paralegals need to build a career that can be sustained for the long haul:
Honest. Your character must be beyond reproach. Be good and truthful; never lie, steal or cheat. When you make a mistake, admit it, learn from it and move on. Never deny making the mistake or blame someone else. 
Incorruptible. Refuse to do something you know is wrong. Follow ethics rules, as well as the law. Never sign the attorney’s name to document and never notarize a document if you don’t it signed. Understand rules regarding Trust Accounts. 
Independent. Be a self-starter. Do tasks on your own. Establish systems and checklists so you know what needs to be done next and you are not asking the same questions over and over again or interrupting people to help you. 
Logical: Using the knowledge you possess, reach reasonable, sensible conclusions. Do your work in a sequence that will increase productivity. 
Loyal: Be faithful, trustworthy, and devoted. Be a loyal employee and do not criticize your employer, even if your employment has ended. Do not be the person who provokes others in the office to be unhappy with working conditions. 
Organized. Look at the work you have to do and plan how you will get it done. Look ahead and plan to meet deadlines. Arrange your office so that papers and files do not get lost. 
Perfectionist. Attempting to do a project without fault is important. Pay constant attention to detail. Always check for grammar and typographical errors. However, remember it is your effort that counts. You need to know when what you have done is good enough and you can stop working on it. 
Persistent. Be unrelenting, consistent and determined. Do not quit until the goal is reached or the work is completed. 
Punctual. Be prompt for work and for meetings. Arrive on time. Do what you say you will do when you say you will do it. Get your work done on time. 
Responsible. Be accountable, dependable, and sensible. You should be a person who can be trusted to do the right thing.  
Thorough. Again, pay attention to detail. Do everything you are supposed to do and leave nothing out. Plan for the unexpected. Always have a Plan B...and perhaps a Plan C and D
While there are many other traits that could be on this list, these will see you through on your path to career success. Which traits do you possess? Which do you need to work on?  What traits would you add to this list? Leave your comments below.
© 2013 Vicki Voisin, Inc.  Do you want to use this article in your newsletter, ezine or Web site? Please contact Vicki Voisin. She will contact Stephanie for her approval.

Vicki Voisin, "The Paralegal Mentor", delivers simple strategies for paralegals and other professionals to create success and satisfaction by setting goals and determining the direction they will take their careers. Vicki spotlights resources, organizational tips, ethics issues, and other areas of continuing education to help paralegals and others reach their full potential. She is the co-author of The Professional Paralegal: A Guide to Finding a Job and Career Success. Vicki publishes Paralegal Strategies, a weekly e-newsletter for paralegals, and hosts The Paralegal Voice, a monthly podcast pr oduced by Legal Talk Network.

More information is available at www.paralegalmentor.com where subscribers receive Vicki's 151 Tips for Your Career Success.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Paralegals Need These Personality Traits - Part 1

Wikipedia lists 234 positive personality traits – and if Wikipedia says there are 234, it must be true, right? Not always. The list did not include “ethical.” But that's another article.

As I reviewed the list, I decided all 234 were good traits to have but there are some that paralegals must have to achieve career success.

Today I’ll cover 11 of those traits – 11 traits I’ve observed that are possessed by paralegals who have successful careers.
Anticipative – You must foresee what needs to be done. Don’t wait for instructions for every step of a project but develop that sixth sense of what’s coming next. Be sure to use checklists to document the steps you take for later use. 
Confident – The legal industry is no place for Timid Tillie. If you qualify to use the title paralegal, be confident in your abilities, skills, training, education and work experience. You can do this! 
Conscientious – Do your work carefully and thoroughly – always.  
Consistent – Deliver on a regular basis. Do what you say you will do; show up when you say you will; keep appointments and commitments. 
Disciplined – Stay with your project until it’s done, even though you’re tired, bored, and would rather be cruising the Internet. 
Discreet – Exercise prudence and self-control in what you say and what you do. Remember the rules of confidentiality and privilege. Do not discuss cases or clients with anyone who doesn’t need to know. 
Efficient – Produce the desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy. Always look for the best way to do things instead of relying on the way things have always been done. 
Ethical – Work in accordance with accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of the legal profession. Remember: members of the legal profession are held to a higher standard. Know and practice ethics rules. 
Flexible -- Be willing to change and try different things. Adapt to situations as they arise. Situations may include a difficult co-worker, a change in working conditions, or an emergency project. Whatever the situation, you must adjust and get the job done. 
Focused – Give everything you do your undivided attention until completion. 
Hardworking – Work with energy and commitment; always put effort and care into your work.
There is no such thing as a quick fix or an easy outcome when you work as a paralegal. There is no quitting when the going gets tough. And things can get tough – very tough.

There will be times when there is too much work to do and not enough time to do it. You can count on times of stress. These personality traits will see you through on your path to career success.

When you possess these traits, you will be able to move your career in the right direction: forward!
© 2013 Vicki Voisin, Inc.  Do you want to use this article in your newsletter, ezine or Web site? Please contact Vicki Voisin. She will contact Stephanie for her approval.

Vicki Voisin, "The Paralegal Mentor", delivers simple strategies for paralegals and other professionals to create success and satisfaction by setting goals and determining the direction they will take their careers. Vicki spotlights resources, organizational tips, ethics issues, and other areas of continuing education to help paralegals and others reach their full potential. She is the co-author of The Professional Paralegal: A Guide to Finding a Job and Career Success. Vicki publishes Paralegal Strategies, a weekly e-newsletter for paralegals, and hosts The Paralegal Voice, a monthly podcast produced by Legal Talk Network.

More information is available at www.paralegalmentor.com where subscribers receive Vicki's 151 Tips for Your Career Success.

Friday, November 8, 2013

How to Unearth Your Worth: Tips from a Professional Resume Writer

In this episode of The Paralegal Voice, Vicki Voisin invites Lori Howard, founder of Unearth Your Worth, to outline the key tips for your career transformation, including your job search, resume, and interview.

Howard also provides free instant access to the resources on her site for Paralegal Voice listeners!

After 15 years working in different offices and positions, Lori Howard suffered from burn out and her career needed a major fix. She discovered her passion is career transformation – helping those who are unhappy with their careers start fresh and find a job where they want to go to work in the morning. 

Lori is a Career Transformation Coach, Certified Story Coach, and Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW). She works with professionals who are frustrated in their jobs and those in career transition determine what they really want to do and create a career they love.

Vicki and Lori share:
  • What to do when you aren’t getting fast results in your job search.
  • The main objective of your resume and what it should accomplish.
  • Common resume writing mistakes.
  • How the resume of a recent graduate will differ from the resume of someone with years of experience.
  • The first thing a potential employer looks for in a resume.
  • Tips for setting yourself apart from other job applicants.
  • Lori’s special offer for Paralegal Voice listeners
  • Vicki’s tips for your resume cover letter.
  • And more!
Be sure to listen to this episode. It’s easy…and it’s free! Just follow this link for connection information:
The Paralegal Voice also thanks its sponsor: NALA...The Association of Paralegals and Legal Assistants
Please share the links to this episode of The Paralegal Voice with your friends and colleagues. If you have a request for a future show, or a question for us, you are welcome to contact the host at Vicki@paralegalmentor.com.com.
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