We welcome paralegals, Colleen Sarenpa, Director of Trademarks for Polaroid Corporation at PLR Brand Services, LLC, and Gwen Spurrier, a paralegal at the Minneapolis law firm of Gray Plant Mooty, to talk about one of the fastest-growing specialty areas today: intellectual property.
Colleen and Gwen discuss how they entered this highly specialized area of the law, their biggest challenges on the job, and what it takes to become an intellectual property paralegal. Also in this episode:
•Our guests’ career paths to IP work
•The definition of IP and its sub-specialties
•The responsibilities of an IP paralegal
•How to get into the IP specialty area
•Online IP resources
•Practice and social media tips from Vicki and Lynne
Page URL: http://legaltalknetwork.com/podcasts/paralegal-voice/2010/08/ip-paralegals/
MP3 link: http://websrvr82il.audiovideoweb.com/ny60web16519/LTN/PLV/PLV_081810_IntellectualProperty.mp3
Internet resources referenced in the podcast:
- International Trademark Association, http://www.inta.org/
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, http://www.uspto.gov/
- Careers in Intellectual Property Law, ABA, http://www.abanet.org/intelprop/careers.html
- Appendix to Careers in Intellectual Property Law, ABA, http://www.abanet.org/intelprop/appendix.html
- Intellectual Property Today Magazine, http://www.iptoday.com/
- Patently O blog (Dennis Crouch), http://www.patentlyo.com/
- IPWatchdog blog (Gene Quinn), http://ipwatchdog.com/
- How to Become an Intellectual Property Paralegal, http://www.ehow.com/how_5858706_become-intellectual-property-paralegal.html
- National Association of Legal Assistants Advanced Paralegal Certification - Trademarks http://www.nala.org/APC-trademarks.aspx
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Do you have a request for a future show or a question for us? You are welcome to contact us at http://www.blogger.com/TheParalegalVoice@gmail.com
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