Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Paralegal Mentor Tips

My goal is to provide professional development tips for paralegals, legal assistants, legal secretaries, and all legal support staff, as well as attorneys, paralegal students and educators.

I post daily Mentor Tips on Twitter and Facebook, and I also provide links to relevant articles on all things legal on this blog.

Every Thursday, I publish Paralegal Strategies, an online newsletter with paralegal news and comments, current events, profiles and feature articles. Go to to get yours...and remember that new subscribers to Paralegal Strategies receive The Paralegal Mentor's 151 Tips for Your Career Success.

Here are the Paralegal Mentor Tips for October 24-28, 2011:

Monday: It’s more important to be YOU than to try to please everyone – which, let’s face it, never works anyway

Tuesday:  Little things matter more than you realize. What "little things" can you do today to move your career forward? 

Wednesday: If you haven’t updated your resume in the past 3 months, make it a goal to have it updated before the end of the week.

Keep things where you'll look for them not where they *should* go so you won't waste billable time looking for them.

Friday: Deadlines are great motivators but it's even more important to set a time to actually do the work. 

Use these tips to move your career in the right direction...forward!

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