Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Biz Buddies: Do Your Clients Know About Your Services?

This month's episode of Biz Buddies 4 Virtual Professionals explores why your clients may not be utilizing your services to the maximum potential and what you can do to fix it.
Do your clients know about all of your services? 
Are they turning to someone else for services you offer simply because they aren't aware you provide them? 
Are there services that they aren't taking advantage of that could be helping their businesses? 
Hosts Tina Marie Hilton and Vicki Voisin discuss:
  • Why clients of virtual assistants  hire them for a certain service but are never aware of the full scope of services offered;
  • Ways to keep clients aware of what you offer: and
  • What to do if your client goes to someone else for what you already offer? 
Be sure to listen to this episode. It’s easy…and it’s free! Just click on the following links:
Please share the links to this episode of Biz Buddies for Virtual Professionals with your friends and colleagues. If you have a request for a future show, or a question for us, you are welcome to contact us at .
Also, be sure you never miss a podcast by subscribing to Biz Buddies 4 Virtual Professionals on iTunes.


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