Volunteering can be an uplifting experience for all involved. On this edition of The Paralegal Voice, co-host Lynne DeVenny and I spotlight two paralegals who are 'giving back' to the community and volunteering their time to help others in need.
We welcome Cindy J. Geib, ACP, PaCP, a Certified Coordinator for Wills for Heroes and Lee A. Paige, CLA, Senior Paralegal at Parker, Milliken, Clark, O’Hara & Samuelian, who volunteers at the Los Angeles Food Bank. They discuss their individual experiences, time management and the impact volunteering has had on their lives.
Also in this episode:
- How Cindy and Lee got into the paralegal profession and what they like most about their jobs.
- Tips for paralegals interested in getting into their speciality areas.
- What drew Cindy and Lee to their volunteer work.
- Tips for balancing a job, family and volunteer work.
- How to find the right organization for your particular talents.
- Lynne and I also share practice and social media tips.
Follow this link if you want the MP3 download: http://legaltalkmedia.com/LTN/PLV/PLV_041911_Volunteering.mp3
There were several Internet resources referenced in the podcast:
- Wills for Heroes: http://willsforheroes.org/
- Lee Paige - lpaige@pmcos.com
- LAPA – Lancaster Area Paralegal Association http://www.lapaparalegals.org/
- Keystone Alliance of Paralegal Associations: http://www.keystoneparalegals.org/
- LAPA - Los Angeles Paralegal Association - http://www.lapa.org/
- Los Angeles Regional Food Bank - http://www.lafoodbank.org/
- Vicki’s 151 Tips for Your Career Success: http://www.paralegalmentor.com/
- Lynne's post on how to remove your Spokeo listing, http://www.practicalparalegalism.com/2011/04/how-to-remove-your-spokeocom-listing.html
Please share the links to this episode of The Paralegal Voice with your friends and colleagues. If you have a request for a future show, or a question for us, you are welcome to contact us at TheParalegalVoice@gmail.com.
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